This business is listed in the business directory section of the Smart Business Directory
- 07432596560
- nottinghamshire
- Mayfield Street, Kirkby-In-Ashfield
- Other Pages: NursingCare - -
- What RUBY247 does for clients. RUBY247, is a registered provider based in Nottinghamshire. Our services provide a range of care and support services, which include placing nurses and cares in nursing homes, residential care homes, day care centres, and private hospitals. Our staff assists clients with learning disabilities, dementia, post-discharge care, live-in care, and respite care. RUBY247 caters to older people, younger adults, end-of-life care, physical impairments and/or sensory impairments, and mental health conditions. We also provide domestic services, escort & companionship.
What RUBY247 does for candidates RUBY247 is a Nursing Agency that recruits Nurses, Carers, Support Workers, and Domestic and cleaning staff. The candidates will be fully supported throughout the vetting process to ensure that they are compliant, ready to work, and will be informed in advance before compliance issues arise. We are accredited training providers, and offer training to all candidates that join RUBY247 - Also Listed In: business-directory in Kirkby-In-Ashfield - nottinghamshire Business Directory - Kirkby-In-Ashfield Business Directory - business-directory in nottinghamshire - business-directory Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
Nursing Agency
Live-In Care
Dementia Care
Mental Health Care
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