This business is listed in the small businesses section of the Smart Business Directory
- 0161 266 145
- greater-manchester
- Other Pages: Life Insurance Leads - Funeral Plan Leads - cavity wall insulation claims
- More Info About Our Life Insurance Leads.
We produce life insurance leads for call centres and IFA`s all across the country. All leads are generated via pay per click or digital marketing alike and they have strict criteria we also have second use life insurance leads which are perfect for hotkey leads.
We have a capture form on our life websites where we capture information such as name, number, email, cover amount and cover term, we can also add a thank-you page showing your contact number increasing the chance of a client answering a call.
The benefits of web leads are –
Speaking to the life insurance leads which show a general interest and are at a time where the client is ready to buy.
Better contact rate.
It is set up for clients who are looking to take out a life insurance policy. This means the end of cold calling for your centre as the clients you're dealing with our warm prospects delivered directly to your team.
Want to know more about our quality UK life insurance leads can be part of your strategy then call us on 0161 266 1450.
- Also Listed In: small-businesses in Manchester - greater-manchester Business Directory - Manchester Business Directory - small-businesses in greater-manchester - small-businesses Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
life insurance leads
iva leads
funeral plan leads
cavity wall insulation claims
red liberty data

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